Monday, March 14, 2011

Sweet Rewards for Good Behavior.

I had a moderately productive week at work, but everything is a little off from center. First, I worked overnight last Monday, which took a little time to recuperate from. Second, we anticipated a fairly important visit at work Thursday, so I didn't get to several of my work projects. Thirdly, Friday I went in early to try to tackle some of my (now late, mind you) workload, when some other mild catastrophe kept me busy for the first five hours of my shift. When the weekend arrived, so did my sweet husband, fresh back form his first week away training. I worked all weekend, so I pretty much only saw him for a few hours in the evening, while we simultaneously did his laundry and repacked his bags so he could fly out again this morning. Lastly, this whole daylight savings thing is a nightmare for people like me who actually enjoy sleeping. These things combined could easily throw a trapeze artist off balance. Add to that natural disasters and panic about tsunamis hitting the west coast, and I can certainly say I entered this evening with the feeling I deserve a reward for not being too much of a grump, and I also need a nice sweet start to the upcoming week. PIE!

Anyone who really knows me knows I love pie. I love eating it, and I really love baking it. For Christmas I had only a few things on my wishlist: pie pans, a rolling pin, crafty books, and fabric. I made eight pies the night before Thanksgiving, between bringing some to share at work and making some for dinner, and for a few months, I averaged six pies baked a week. In an effort to eat less processed, healthier of foods, I found that by baking my own pies, I could regulate what they were made of. I learned how to flavor crusts so I could get away with a little less butter, or using unbleached whole wheat flour without things getting too dense. I learned that fruit a little overly ripe is much sweeter than crisply fresh fruit, and therefore needs no sugar really. Using fruit that is low in glycemic load or high in antioxidants is an added perk. When you make your own pie, it can be an incredibly healthy, and also incredibly delicious way to get some of those servings of fruit (and veggies for that matter) doctors always seem to nag us about. Tonight I made a blueberry, peach, nectarine and apple pie, but I will confess that I did not make the crust. In any case, it was tasty.

I didn't have a lot of time for crafting, but I will say that I have an upcoming tutorial for crocheted washcloths that use a modification of a basic granny square to create a little star in the center of the cloths. I'm finishing working the kinks out of the pattern and should be able to post it really soon.

I just have to add one last little bit of info, before I collapse into my again-empty bed. I want to move back up north to Oregon or Washington, where it is green and humid and chilly and clean and oh-so-lovely. Hubbs did his training in a tiny town about 45 minutes outside of Portland, so of course, he had to bring back a few little souvenirs to cheer me up for not getting to tag along. Best of the little souvenirs:

Its a 2T! I guess we both think ahead. :)

And, with a new camera come more pictures. My current little ones, for better or worse:
Maggie, whose name is tattooed on my ankle, 3 1/2 years old.

Killian, 8 months this week.

That's all for tonight. Sleep well world. Here's to starting the week off right!

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