Friday, August 5, 2011


Today, I had a productive day at work, and then a productive day at home. I did a deep cleaning of my apartment. I am not always the tidiest of people, and my husband is usually way too busy to clean much, but I make sure I do at least half-an-hour's worth of cleaning everyday. Today was far more productive than usual, though. There is something truly peaceful about knowing that everything is clean and in its rightful place. When I used to get angry or depressed, I could always be found in the bathroom or kitchen, scrubbing the floor by hand one foot at ta time. I would scrub for hours and hours. I think it made me feel the same way that runners feel about going for a was cathartic. When I am doing deep cleaning, time and the worries and the entire world melt away. I get lost deep deep in my thoughts, and don't know what is going on around me. I think this is one of the only times that I allow myself to be creative anymore. I too often feel guilty taking time to daydream -- it isn't productive. I feel more at peace today, though, because of this cleaning.

I think it also helps that my cleaning music tends to be Bright Eyes circa 2002. :)

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