Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Projects Completed.

There is something so rewarding about completing a project. I am extremely project oriented. I think my husband would be the first person to tell you that if I can't put a task into the "project" category, the task probably won't get done. Laundry is a task, and I won't stop until every piece is folded, ironed, sorted, hung and put away. Cleaning the car isn't a day-to-day activity. It is a project eventually. Dishes are a project after a few days of not doing them. Work is filled with countless projects that motivate me. The last two days have been very rewarding for me because more than one project was successfully crossed off my to-do list, both at work and around the house. I finished Bree's and Dani's aprons the same night I started. I'll share some pictures as soon as I can find my camera cord...
My husband always tells me, in my many bouts of self-loathing and depression, that losers are merely people who always lose, but as soon as you start winning, you have the momentum to keep winning. Projects are my coping mechanism so I can feel my hard work has paid off, even if it is just in the knowledge that I successfully finished a project. It's my rated G version of notches on my belt, I guess.
I am still a little sad today. I guess I'll take my winnings and run with them. I can still be a winner and listen to sad music, though, right? I wish it were raining. I'd love to paint on a day of successes like today.

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